Podcast Strategy and Planning

Wavelength Creative offers podcast strategy and planning services for businesses, brands, and government organisations.

Every podcast project requires podcast strategy and planning. Developing your show’s strategy is essentially the process of forming a plan from start to finish.

To produce a podcast for your brand that makes an impact, it’s important to get the show strategy right from the beginning. It’s the single most important part of the production process.

After all, if you’re going to invest in producing a podcast, you want it to produce results. And even more importantly, you want your new podcast to represent your brand in a professional and high-quality manner right from episode 1.

That’s why at the beginning of every new project we run a 3-hour strategy workshop. In this Podcast Blueprint Workshop, we will collaboratively develop your show strategy, design your show's creative concept, and plan out all the production requirements and timeframes.

When planning your podcast strategy, we ask three key questions:

  1. What is the objective of the podcast?
    Purpose, objectives, outcomes, and what does success look like?

  2. Who is the target listener?
    Try and describe a typical listener in as much detail as possible.

  3. Why produce a podcast?
    Why does this project need to be a podcast specifically?

Taking the time to answer these questions will ensure your podcast strategy is thorough and robust from the beginning.

Getting this right is important because it will guide the production process to create a tailored fit podcast that achieves your objectives and connects with the right target audience.

Wavelength Creative can help you with your podcast strategy and planning to produce a professional podcast that sounds great, saves you time, and actually gets results.

To get started, see our pricing or contact us today!

Get the ‘Podcast Pricing Guide’

Podcast Pricing Guide

How much does a professionally produced podcast cost? What should you budget to record, produce and launch a new show?

The price of podcast production can vary based on the show format, episode length, and production quality. As an example, producing a narrative format podcast requires much more production time than an interview-style show.

So to help you understand the price to expect for each type of podcast production, we’ve developed a ‘Podcast Pricing Guide’. Just enter your details below and we’ll send the guide to you via email.

Get the ‘Podcast Pricing Guide’



Our Other Services

At Wavelength Creative, we cater to various business needs with our diverse range of professional podcast services. Whether you’re a small business launching your first podcast or a large multi-national brand looking for a professionally produced series — we’ve got you covered!

We also have a range of specialist services to accommodate specific needs, such as podcast launches, podcast marketing, and podcast renovations.